Ramakrishna Mission Malliankaranai, after a long period has started the renovations of its office building and Temple. The progress of the renovations are in full steam and will be completed in the coming days.
Our Story
Ramakrishna Mission Students’ Home, Mylapore was founded in 1905 with the blessings of Srimat Swami Ramakrishnanandaji Maharaj, a direct disciple of Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna.
In 1932, a philanthropist and a well-wisher donated some acres of lands in the village of Malliankaranai, Uthiramerur Taluk, Kancheepuram District to Students’ Home, Chennai for the service of the poor and the down-trodden. In this village, an Elementary School with standards 1 to 5 came into being in June 1945.
Our Activities
Major activities include Daily Worship, Spiritual practices, Religious preaching, General and technical education with an ethical and spiritual background, Medical services, Famine and distress relief work, Rural upliftment, Work for the labouring masses for their improvement and other Cultural Activities.