
Ensuring Quality Education: How you can support

At Ramakrishna Mission Malliankaranai, our commitment to education is unwavering. We believe in the power of knowledge to transform lives, uplift communities, and create a brighter future for all. With the recent establishment of our Higher Secondary School, we have embarked on a journey to provide ...

16.10.23 02:54 PM - Comment(s)
Admissions for Standard 11 Tamil Medium

Admissions are invited for the 11th Standard Tamil Medium classes as per the details provided below for the Ramakrishna Mission Higher Secondary School., Malliankaranai.  

25.05.23 09:22 AM - Comment(s)
Free Robotic Training in a Mobile Robotics Lab

Training provided to Malliankaranai School Students using the Mobile Robotics Lab.

11.05.23 11:42 AM - Comment(s)
Sri Sri Guru Maharaj's Birth day celebrations

Sri Ramakrishna Jayanthi was celebrated in our Center with special Puja, Homa, Brief Talk in Tamil, Bhajan etc. Also in the same evening we,  all the monks of our center, visited a village habitat where poor and marginalized section of the people are living . We talked ...

05.03.22 02:41 PM - Comment(s)
Relief Covid 19 Pandemic Relief Services
  • Distribution of Groceries to poor 

  • So far we have distributed groceries bags to 800 families.

    The grocery items are:

    1.Thur Dall 1Kg, 2.Moong Dall 1Kg, 3.Urad Dall 1Kg, 4.Bengal Gram Dall 0.5 Kg, 5.Cooking Oil 1 Litre, 6.Sugar 2Kgs, 7.Samiya 1 Kg, 8.Suji 1Kg,  9.Pepper 100 g, 10.Jeera 100 g, ...

21.06.21 09:45 AM - Comment(s)
Special Programme

Funded by Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math, we took up a project near Malliankaranai, place called VINOBHA NAGAR where people at the level of the feet who deserve for even minimum livelihood materials.  Considering their poverty we distributed Bed sheet, mat, cooking vessels and garments to the ...

04.03.21 09:14 AM - Comment(s)
Swami Vivekananda's Birthday Celebrations

This Year we celebrated Swami Vivekananda's Birthday celebrations at our Ashrama and also at Malliankaranai Village & our School.  The function followed by Mangalarati, Bhajans etc at our Ashrama.  Around 10.30 the programme started with arati and followed by Revered Secretary Mj bless...

05.02.21 12:10 PM - Comment(s)
Swami Vivekananda Youth Day

We celebrated Youth day celebration where Swamiji's image were installed.  The function went on with Arati, garlanding and honoring Swamiji by singing on Him and reciting His powerful words.   Programme ended with distribution of sweets to the gathering. 

25.01.21 10:14 AM - Comment(s)