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Ramakrishna Mission, Malliankaranai
Ramakrishna Mission, Malliankaranai
A branch centre of Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math

    An efficient team of the Aravind Eye Care, Madurai, provided free consultations and checkup to 227 beneficiaries.Free spectacles were provided to 3 persons and Cataract Surgery was performed on 46 persons.

Medical Services

We conduct General and Specialized Medical camps for the benefit of the nearby village people four times a year.

Medical Services - How do we get started?


June 13, 1900. The day had not yet dawned. Jaminiranjan was winding his way through one of the narrow dingy lanes of Varanasi leading to the bathing ghat. A feeble groan caught his ear. Many had already passed that way, but no one had stopped to investigate. But Jaminiranjan did and found an old lady, ill and starved, lying on the roadside. As he approached her, she said feebly: ‘I have not taken anything for four days, my son. Give me some food.’ Jaminiranjan lifted the lady and laid her carefully on the verandah of the nearby house, rushed to the bathing ghat, and begged four annas from the first gentleman he met. He purchased some cooked food and fed the old lady and thus saved her life. Thus was sown the seed of dedicated service to God in the form of the poor and the suffering, which was to grow into a mighty banyan tree of a large institution that would render service to thousands of needy.
This old lady was one of the many religious persons who come to spend their last days in the holy city of Kashi — the mukti kshetra — and who are reduced to a state of dire poverty and helplessness due to the ruthlessness of man and the irony of fate.

How Long?

Rendering Services Since 1900

After rendering this emergency help to her, Jaminiranjan went to his friends Haridas, Charuchandra (later Swami Shubhananda), Kedarnath (later Swami Achalananda), and others, and gave them an account of what had happened. A band of young men with Charuchandra as the leader had already formed a study circle with the aim of realizing God in the light of the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda. They collected donations and managed to admit the lady to the hospital. The new group now decided upon future action: service to the poor, the needy, the destitute, and the sick. They organized themselves into an association and named it ‘Home of Relief’. They searched for the needy on the roadside, in lanes and by-lanes, and arranged for their relief by sending some to the hospital, and giving food and clothing to others. A patient of typhoid fever was the first patient to be accommodated in Kedarnath’s house and nursed by them. Soon the need for more spacious accommodation for patients was felt and a small house was rented for five rupees a month. A small out-patient homoeopathic dispensary was also started. One room was for hospital patients, and the dispensary was also the office and the bedroom of two full-time workers — Charuchandra and Jaminiranjan.

Free Medical Eye Camp

The Free Eye Camp is being organized with the help of Aravind Eye Care Hospitals– a reputed institution in Pammal.

An efficient team of the Aravind Eye Care, Pammal provides free consultations and checkup to beneficiaries. Free spectacles are also provided to the needy and Cataract Surgeries are also performed at Aravind Eye Care Hospital, Pammal.

Relief Services

             Covid 19               

           Pandemic Relief Activities

   Distribution of Groceries to poor 

So far we have distributed groceries bags to 800 families.

The grocery items are:

1.Thur Dall 1Kg, 2.Moong Dall 1Kg, 3.Urad Dall 1Kg, 4.Bengal Gram Dall 0.5 Kg, 5.Cooking Oil 1 Litre, 6.Sugar 2Kgs, 7.Samiya 1 Kg, 8.Suji 1Kg,  9.Pepper 100 g, 10.Jeera 100 g, 11.Mustard 100 g,12.Turmeric Powder 100 g, 13.Salt 1Kg, 14.Washing Soap 2 Nos, 15.Colgate Tooth Paste 100 g, 16.Bathing Soap 1No.